When my husband and I moved to Dobbins, CA, it was for survival. Initially, we lived in the eastern parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. We lived a prosperous lifestyle with little concern for what would happen if it all was suddenly taken away from us. As luck would have it, we were one of many people affected by the economic crash that began in 2008. One day we were on top of the world, and the next day we lost everything. We gave our house back to the bank instead of foreclosure. We did all that we did to preserve our good credit. But, good credit means nothing if you don't have secure shelter.
Read a complete account of our dilemma in my book, "From Riches to Rags to Right-Sized Living."
Everyone knows that the number one survival strategy is to have shelter. At a minimum, people need protection from the harsh elements of weather. Having been homeless and close to living on the streets, we did not ever want to be without shelter again, so we decided to purchase land using cash that we could extract from liquidating possessions.
We figured that if worse comes to worst, we could always pitch a tent and live off the land. This way of thinking began setting up our minds to the mindset of what people call preppers.
Eventually, we built a house on the property and began setting up small-scale strategies for future survival.
Read a complete account of our dilemma in my book, "From Riches to Rags to Right-Sized Living."
Everyone knows that the number one survival strategy is to have shelter. At a minimum, people need protection from the harsh elements of weather. Having been homeless and close to living on the streets, we did not ever want to be without shelter again, so we decided to purchase land using cash that we could extract from liquidating possessions.
We figured that if worse comes to worst, we could always pitch a tent and live off the land. This way of thinking began setting up our minds to the mindset of what people call preppers.
Eventually, we built a house on the property and began setting up small-scale strategies for future survival.
What is a prepper?
To explain a prepper, let's go to a common source, Here's what the dictionary says about preppers.
"A prepper is someone who actively prepares (preps) for worse-case scenarios, such as the end of the world, by practicing survivalist techniques, including hoarding food."
And here's what the dictionary says about survivalists.
"A survivalist is a person who makes preparations to survive a widespread catastrophe, as an atomic war or anarchy, especially by storing food and weapons in a safe place."
I hope these descriptions help readers understand the mindset of preppers and survivalists.
Why be a prepper?

Dobbins is located a little over 33 miles from a major city. Living out here in Dobbins has steered my husband and me into a lifestyle that can be considered small-scale preppers. With current gas prices on average about $6.50 per gallon, in a gas-guzzling 4X4 truck that gets 14 miles to the gallon, we now spend at least $30.62 minimum every time we go into town. Because of this cost, we try to save gas expenses by going into town no more than once a month. When we go into town, we stock up on supplies so that we still survive if something comes up and we can't make it into town.

I have learned that most people living in Dobbins conduct minimal preparatory measures as a precaution. And, then, others are what I feel are true preppers. These are people who are bona fide survivalists. They have food supplies that will last for years. They have medical supplies to account for every injury that could occur. They are knowledgeable about natural remedies. They grow their own food and are ready to be able to live off the land with no outside help. And, you had best believe they have the necessary weapons to protect their land if need be. I view them as people who are wise and conscientious about the world we live in.
The world (to me) appears to be changing into a place where we can no longer depend on our government to provide and protect us. Providing for ourselves seems to be a wise maneuver.
The world (to me) appears to be changing into a place where we can no longer depend on our government to provide and protect us. Providing for ourselves seems to be a wise maneuver.
Dobbins is notoriously designated as a high fire zone. We anticipate that we may be required to evacuate, so we are prepared to leave at a moment's notice with our prepared "Go-Bag" containing enough supplies for at least three days. And now that my husband and I have animals, we need to be ready to complete measures to protect them, as well. |
A prepper never tells
A prepper never advertises their position. To do so makes them vulnerable to predators (people) who failed to prepare (prep). In disastrous situations, an unprepared person will quickly come looking for a prepper for the goods they need for survival.
Living in a remote location such as Dobbins has opened my eyes to the possibility of Dobbins being a fabulous location for preppers. Being remote, Dobbins is a survivor's best strategy. Living on a property, isolated from others is a prepper's ideal location. And for preppers who want to live off the grid, Dobbins' elevation makes it as much possible as can be desired.
Living in a remote location such as Dobbins has opened my eyes to the possibility of Dobbins being a fabulous location for preppers. Being remote, Dobbins is a survivor's best strategy. Living on a property, isolated from others is a prepper's ideal location. And for preppers who want to live off the grid, Dobbins' elevation makes it as much possible as can be desired.
Dobbins lifestyle
There is more to Dobbins than the opportunity to survive as a prepper. Dobbins offers a rich lifestyle filled with ongoing activities.
Come to Dobbins and explore a lifestyle worth living.
- The Farmer's Market is loaded with fresh produce, a food stand, a play area for children, live music, and more every Saturday.
- The Farmers Market also hosts Taco Thursday in the afternoon.
- For wine enthusiasts, there is wine tasting at Lucero Vineyards & Winery, showcasing award-winning wines.
- And last but not least, stop by Lake Francis for many outdoor activities.
Come to Dobbins and explore a lifestyle worth living.

For information about a property available in Dobbins, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Marlene Bertrand, Broker, GRI, SFO, ePRO, NHCB
800-264-6439 Office
925-708-6027 Cell
Dept. of Real Estate License #01056418 (since 1989)
Marlene Bertrand, Broker, GRI, SFO, ePRO, NHCB
800-264-6439 Office
925-708-6027 Cell
Dept. of Real Estate License #01056418 (since 1989)